Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Respond to "Toward a More Participatory Democracy"

This is my response to chapter one "Toward a More Participatory Democracy"

In this chapter, two different people discuss their views on the influence and purpose of political blogging in America. One of them agrees and supports the idea of political blogging and one does not.

I agree with the person who supports the idea of political blogging. I think it is a good idea because it is a way for people to be able to express themselves and say what they are thinking without having to come face to face with someone.

It is like online debating to me. The idea of people forming groups to debate and make different political parties is really cool. It can also influence people to get involved in politics and work as effective ways to find out other peoples oppinions. Reading about all the statistics that are found about blogging also interests me. That there were 33 million people in one year who wrote or read blogs and atleast 11 million were all political blogs was very interesting to know. Not until now reading this i didnt know that there were so many types of blogs let alone blogs where you can run political debates.


Tracy Mendham said...

Is this HW 3?

Tracy Mendham said...

Hayley, the chapter does open with two different people's opinions, but the difference between then is political (right/left), not pro and con blogging. Thereafter the opinions are those of author David Kline not of the people quoted at the beginning.
That blogging is like online debate, though, is a good point, and that's part of what makes political blogging so important and interesting.