Monday, September 17, 2007

HW: 7 Applying Graff, Chapter 3 to "My So-Called Blog"

This is my response to homework # 7: Applying Graff, Chapter 3 to “My So-Called Blog” After reading Emily Nussbaum’s “My So-Called Blog” I decided that the statement that Parents should not monitor everything that their middle-school children write online is not good. I believe that after reading her passage that parents definitely should see what their kids do on the computer. I personally would want to know exactly what my kids are writing on certain blogs and instant messengers to make sure that they are being safe and are not getting into the wrong things. In the passage Nussbaum mentions that there was a blogger by the name of anonymous and the reason that he wanted to be called that was because he had low self esteem because of his weight, looks, and personality. He stated that he was always depressed in his blogs and if my son or daughter was talking about being depressed all the time I would want to know so that way I could help them. If my son/or daughter was depressed I would want to protect them incase they were doing anything bad. Having control of seeing what children are doing on the internet could help people out. People live different lives on the internet and pretend to be different people. Sometimes the internet is not a safe place for children therefore I believe that it is a good idea to be able to monitor everything your child does on the computer.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Pretty good argument. For this assignment, the post needs a quote (in quotation marks or a block quote), a signal phrase/lead-in, an explanation of the quote, and a parenthetical citation.