Monday, October 8, 2007

HW 16 B the five pillars of conversational software

This is my response to homework 16B.
In this passage the write discusses the five pillars of conversational software. The five pillars of conversational software are the tings that make blogging popular. The first one is “ease of publishing”. By this they mean that blogging can be easily done by anyone who basically knows how to use the internet. The second is “discoverability” which is the way you can discover new things that interest you by blogging and reading other peoples blogs. The third one is “cross-site conversations” which can be related to writing on other people’s blogs from your site or another site about a similar topic. The fourth is “permalinking” which ables you to make permanent links of other blogs on your site so that people can see other blogs you are interested in and then read them too. The last one is called “syndication” which is a part of a site that is available for other sites to use. This is my response to homework 16B.
In this passage the write discusses the five pillars of conversational software. The five pillars of conversational software are the tings that make blogging popular. The first one is “ease of publishing”. By this they mean that blogging can be easily done by anyone who basically knows how to use the internet. The second is “discoverability” which is the way you can discover new things that interest you by blogging and reading other peoples blogs. The third one is “cross-site conversations” which can be related to writing on other people’s blogs from your site or another site about a similar topic. The fourth is “permalinking” which ables you to make permanent links of other blogs on your site so that people can see other blogs you are interested in and then read them too. The last one is called “syndication” which is a part of a site that is available for other sites to use.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Yes, I think you understand Scoble's pillars.
Need to give author name, credit Richard Scoble for the ideas, and give in-text citation for the quotes and paraphrases.